Star of the Week
Each Child will get to be the Star of the week one time throughout the year. During this week, your child will get special privileges and responsibilities. Please help your child get together the following items:
1. Poster- Please use the construction paper (or any paper approximately 12 inches by 18 inches) to make a poster for our classroom. It can include photos, drawings and should have some written narration. The star will get a chance to share about their poster in class. Please return it on the first day of their special week. They also need to complete the Star of the Week Questionnaire.
2. The star may also bring his/her favorite book to share to the class. Have them be prepared to share why it is their favorite.
3. Estimation Jar – I will send an additional page with directions and the jar to fill. Please return on Monday of your child’s star week.
Thank you for your help in making this a special week for your child. Please let me know if you have any further questions.